WHAT CAN I SAY?! Earlier today I went to the mall, and guess what I founded in one of the magazinetents?! That is totally right! I found my future favorite magazine!!!
Really I am not a MUSLIM (I am asstro), but their articals are so AMAZING! If you ever goin to buy a magazine, BUY THIS ONE!!!
So... I am not goin to tell you more about it, you can look at my pictures. And if you now are looking at my pictures, or maybe you prefer to look it up at Google.com?? Do it the way YOU feel comfortable and do not ever forget that YOU must say NO if it IS something that YOU do not want! And if you do not follow MY advice to YOU is that just say NO. Well however, I hope with all of my pink penis (with purple stars on it) that you will have a good night.
XOXO Your Fuladuschen.
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