Today when I was out and crawled in the jungle, I saw a small hot dog. It ran towards me (I started crawling fast starters, as if Kamoliddini chased a little boy and I was a boy), but then changed the direction and ran up the leaves again and I dessert. Now I was calm. I ran after the sausage and picked it up. Then I took it into my mouth and started to make a campfire. I grilled the hot dog and then I started to chew. I'm not totally dog, but I think it died. For these reasons, I made up a funeral. it is something that humans and dogs have in common, eat on it so it dies. this was something I figured out while I ate it.
Luw yaa(hot dog)<33
XOXO from your little hottie doggie Fuladuschen Rambajan<333
P.M.S. a weird guy from US and A asked me if a felt like a zombie
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