Sunday, April 10, 2011

That's soo sweet!!

Here is my new profilepicture of me and my dear daughter Elizabeth. Here is also my new Facebook-page:!/profile.php?id=100002273395890

Your readers do not type your nose, but a fan of mine sent me a message damn good on my Facebook page! First, he wrote a little shit, but then came the great part! That's what the little shit wrote: "why are you keaping do this???? you are a bullshit! understand that, if I were you I should do selpmurd!!"
And I thought "oh so sweet of him, the little shit!" but when you're offline, so I wrote a heart in their log <3 Here you can view your profile, the little shit:

Howevaah!! I had a better then a bad day. First I went out with Turtliz (my new turtle who I wroted about earlier), maybe we will be going to a nice bar of a peace of shit or some other shit nearby. Then I went to visit my husband to have a soda. It didn't went that well...

Luw ya <333
XOXO Your Dilighted Friends, Fuladuschen <3

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