Hi, blogreaders and huge fans!
I am having FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN with the NUN NUN NUN NUN NUN NUN NUN(s). As usual with other words.
I'm not sure what to write so, CALL ME <3
A little bit better, a little bit hotter, a little bit smarter, a little bit more Fuladuschen Style!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Hello there!
I know that it is hard for alot of people, both male and female, to tell their parents that you are gay/bi or the other options. I am not quite sure why it is in this way, a sexuality and the oher options is something natrual and something you should accept.
The probably best way to tell them is to just tell them. It's hard, yes but I can promiss you that later up it will be alot easier.
I know that this isn't about FASHION, the theme of the week, but this is truly so much more inportant then a 1000 garments! If you haven't experienced your self, you will never understand how terrile time it is. YES, worse then pregnantsy and periods... And YES, worse then devorse!!!! GOSH YOU REALLY ARE STUPHEAD!
Just do it. /Leo's Nike-shirt.
I know that it is hard for alot of people, both male and female, to tell their parents that you are gay/bi or the other options. I am not quite sure why it is in this way, a sexuality and the oher options is something natrual and something you should accept.
The probably best way to tell them is to just tell them. It's hard, yes but I can promiss you that later up it will be alot easier.
I know that this isn't about FASHION, the theme of the week, but this is truly so much more inportant then a 1000 garments! If you haven't experienced your self, you will never understand how terrile time it is. YES, worse then pregnantsy and periods... And YES, worse then devorse!!!! GOSH YOU REALLY ARE STUPHEAD!
Just do it. /Leo's Nike-shirt.
Hello there little fellow!
Hope the time in the frezer was fine, refridgerator is also good. The goose is angry and hits me badley. Wet carpets, very turkish. The Indians was not happy, people ate their king.
Me dance aroung SYTYCD, happening bad things.
Hope the time in the frezer was fine, refridgerator is also good. The goose is angry and hits me badley. Wet carpets, very turkish. The Indians was not happy, people ate their king.
Me dance aroung SYTYCD, happening bad things.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

and if I had the change I would totally marry you! You are so sweet, and you also like to tweet (to me <3). You have gorgeous eyes and your sence of style is almost as good as Fuladuschen Style! AND THAT IS HISTORY!
Onch, would you like to make me happy and send me a real comment who wasn't send by me under this post? YOU WOULD MAKE MY FACE!
LOOK! Everything here at my blog is about YOU, Onch! Has that ever happend before? I AM YOU BIGGEST FAN (and future lover <3).
XOXO Your Biggest, Awesomest, Hottest (IN MY OWN WAY), Fuladuschen <3
It's a beautiful day here in Tajikistan: the birds are "twittering" also I am "twettering"!

Hello, Marshallellows!!
It really is a lovely day today and it just seems as one of thoose days when the president gives me as an order to "TWEET" some! And I am. At TWITTER. And twitter some. With the birds. Having fun. With the nun. In the sun.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
In the "HOTTIE"-world, who also is judged by the "HOTTIES", JOJO beats Onch with a "HOTTIE"-smile. But in the "ASIAN CUTIE"-world Onch is the cutest!!
Helo there, Marshalls!
I understand that many of you really wonder who this "JOJO" is, JOJO. Well to that I do have an answer! I looked for a new guy to fall in love with, Onch never even said "hello" or "nothello". So I randomly pressed a few letters without to look and the letters was saying JOJORUN. When I did a " " between the letters it was saying JOJO RUN. And here he is.

His name is Jojo Simmons and he was in a MTV show called "Run's House" when he is one of the familymembers. He will never beat Onch in any sorts of competition, well maybe in fight... Onch isn't the most sporty guy I know. But Onch is the swetest, cindest, and BTW he has met my wife and they semed cool with each other. Onch has a sort of respect for other people and he has a good sence of style.
And here he is:

This is a picture of Onch and my wife, the two people who I care most of. This picture really means alot to me.
I know that Jojo probably never will see this and if he does, he probably wouldn't cear. Either Onch would of ceared, nodody will probably even read this, they will probably read the starts, look at the pictures and then scroll down the the other posters. But if sombody actually would read this it really would warm up my heart.
LUW YA <33< KIZZZZ all of my fans!!!
XOXO, Your heartbreaked blogger, Fuladuschen Rambajan.
I understand that many of you really wonder who this "JOJO" is, JOJO. Well to that I do have an answer! I looked for a new guy to fall in love with, Onch never even said "hello" or "nothello". So I randomly pressed a few letters without to look and the letters was saying JOJORUN. When I did a " " between the letters it was saying JOJO RUN. And here he is.

His name is Jojo Simmons and he was in a MTV show called "Run's House" when he is one of the familymembers. He will never beat Onch in any sorts of competition, well maybe in fight... Onch isn't the most sporty guy I know. But Onch is the swetest, cindest, and BTW he has met my wife and they semed cool with each other. Onch has a sort of respect for other people and he has a good sence of style.
And here he is:

This is a picture of Onch and my wife, the two people who I care most of. This picture really means alot to me.
I know that Jojo probably never will see this and if he does, he probably wouldn't cear. Either Onch would of ceared, nodody will probably even read this, they will probably read the starts, look at the pictures and then scroll down the the other posters. But if sombody actually would read this it really would warm up my heart.
LUW YA <33< KIZZZZ all of my fans!!!
XOXO, Your heartbreaked blogger, Fuladuschen Rambajan.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Hello JOJO!!
Well, I hope it's OK if that's what I call you, JOJO. I really miss you, JOJO. Do you miss me, JOJO? Well as I said I miss you, JOJO. Well, JOJO. That's now your name, JOJO. It's not your real name, JOJO, but it's very similar to your name, JOJO. Isn't it, JOJO? Well, JOJO. OOOPS, JOJO! I had already said "Well, JOJO!" and now I said it again, JOJO!
HIHIHI, god I'm fun, JOJO.

Hehe, JOJO. This is what came up when I searched for it at Google.com, JOJO. But I must say that your face is much more beacutiful, JOJO.
Can YOU, JOJO, please call me sometime. We can do anything together, cuz I'm soo bored, JOJO. And you would truly change my summer-world, JOJO. Call 666666 or another number, JOJO. I think YOU, JOJO, know what I mean, JOJO.
I am and will always miss you when the evil God's tair us apart, JOJO.
HIHIHI, god I'm fun, JOJO.

Hehe, JOJO. This is what came up when I searched for it at Google.com, JOJO. But I must say that your face is much more beacutiful, JOJO.
Can YOU, JOJO, please call me sometime. We can do anything together, cuz I'm soo bored, JOJO. And you would truly change my summer-world, JOJO. Call 666666 or another number, JOJO. I think YOU, JOJO, know what I mean, JOJO.
I am and will always miss you when the evil God's tair us apart, JOJO.
Now I have got to go cuz me and HomerJSimpson are goin to speak. TO EACHOHTER!
KIZZ <33
Now I have got to go cuz me and HomerJSimpson are goin to speak. TO EACHOHTER!
KIZZ <33
How to say that I am not a whor nicely.
Hello there blogreaders! When I looked out the statics of my blog, I saw that somebody asked me a question when they probably seartched for a desent answer. And to this person (probably whor or manwhor, probably shy and ugly as shit)I would like to give you an answer!
And YES, I have written about this problem before but that is just because people would LIKE TO KNOW AN ANSWER(??). To the person or people that this message is goin through, tell them to follow you to a room. If she or he (or bothsexed)looks at you as if you were stupid just say it and WALK out of the room. And if they are not smile and say it with a calm voice.
AND THIS IS WHAT TO SAY: "I've got somethind to tell you..." (turn the lights on and start singing-->) "I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. (but i like to do it) I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE."
And probably THAT will work out as well as my brother's (Brunbanan's) vagina.
LUW YA <33<
XOXO <333333 KIZ <3
P.M.S: If you have a problem please tell me at my emailadress: fulisduschis@hotmail.com OR fuladuschen@hotmail.com OR fulanegerfet@hotmail.com
Remember that you can be anonymous when you leave me a comment <3
And YES, I have written about this problem before but that is just because people would LIKE TO KNOW AN ANSWER(??). To the person or people that this message is goin through, tell them to follow you to a room. If she or he (or bothsexed)looks at you as if you were stupid just say it and WALK out of the room. And if they are not smile and say it with a calm voice.
AND THIS IS WHAT TO SAY: "I've got somethind to tell you..." (turn the lights on and start singing-->) "I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE. (but i like to do it) I AM NOT A WHORE. I AM NOT A WHORE."

And probably THAT will work out as well as my brother's (Brunbanan's) vagina.
LUW YA <33<
XOXO <333333 KIZ <3
P.M.S: If you have a problem please tell me at my emailadress: fulisduschis@hotmail.com OR fuladuschen@hotmail.com OR fulanegerfet@hotmail.com
Remember that you can be anonymous when you leave me a comment <3
IS THAT AWESOME OR WHAT?! RIGHT...?! cuz it is RIGHT!? well!! here are some pictures of all of the 100 posters, ENJOY!!!

Theese are just some of many pictures, and I (and YOU <3) really hope that it will be atleast 100 more posters with you, and this peace of shit to a blog.
And if you check it out more I will do twice as many posters everyday!!!!
LUW YA <33<
XOXO, Your blogmaster, Fuladuschen Rambajan who is saying "HELLO CHINEESE BOY" at his 100th poster!!
P.M.S: I hope you like my new text-design!!!

Theese are just some of many pictures, and I (and YOU <3) really hope that it will be atleast 100 more posters with you, and this peace of shit to a blog.
And if you check it out more I will do twice as many posters everyday!!!!
LUW YA <33<
XOXO, Your blogmaster, Fuladuschen Rambajan who is saying "HELLO CHINEESE BOY" at his 100th poster!!
P.M.S: I hope you like my new text-design!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
To honor the theme of the weekend I thoosed a TEXT-DESIGN called Crafty girls! ISN'T IS JUST GREAT!?!? Well, here are some actual pictures of some "CRAFTY GIRLS".

AREN'T THE JUST SOO BEAUTIFUL?! Told ya! Crafty girls can also be beautiful!

AREN'T THE JUST SOO BEAUTIFUL?! Told ya! Crafty girls can also be beautiful!
More about beauty... Before and after of Angelina Jolie!
Here comes some more shit about beauty!
Well! As all of you know: beauty isn't something you get! You can't do plastic sugery to make yourself more beautiful (least not a good one!). You can't use makeup too look more attractiv (you can... just DON'T), and to use speciall clothes to make people look extra much at you, of course you CAN but it probably isn't the best way to gey attention, is it? The person you are today is nothing you can change the appearance. Of course you can change as a person (and look), but GUYS actually like girls who are confiden with how they look and feel. Many people feel more good about them self when they look good. A good example of the shit I'm talking about is Angelina Jolie!
This is her before any sorts of plastic surgery:

And this... is after:

Well! Your the judges, I'm just me... I'M FULADUSCHEN. By the way, a plastic surgery costs a lot of money and it doesn't say anything about any garanty. What if the "doctor" fails with you?
Well! As all of you know: beauty isn't something you get! You can't do plastic sugery to make yourself more beautiful (least not a good one!). You can't use makeup too look more attractiv (you can... just DON'T), and to use speciall clothes to make people look extra much at you, of course you CAN but it probably isn't the best way to gey attention, is it? The person you are today is nothing you can change the appearance. Of course you can change as a person (and look), but GUYS actually like girls who are confiden with how they look and feel. Many people feel more good about them self when they look good. A good example of the shit I'm talking about is Angelina Jolie!
This is her before any sorts of plastic surgery:

And this... is after:

Well! Your the judges, I'm just me... I'M FULADUSCHEN. By the way, a plastic surgery costs a lot of money and it doesn't say anything about any garanty. What if the "doctor" fails with you?
What beauty feels like..:

Yes! That's the theme of the weekend!
As you know beauty isn't something you get (I have experience). I was born AS a hottie, and you will never be able to take it away from me.
Sometimes people ask me how it is to be this beautiful as I am, and theere we are at the question of the day!
"What beauty feels like..:" Well... It really is awesome to always know that people think that I'm beautiful and it's even more awesome to know that peoples ALWAYS will love me. And that's for my look and my personality. YOU LOVE ME, I get it <3 I can daily hear people who rather like to be ME for 24 houres, then fly for a week. (MORE ABOUT THOOSE PEOPLES LATER.) When I was younger my both parents tried to tell me that theere was no chance for 100 years that I would be famous. But LOOK now! Yes! LOOK AT ME! I ACTUALLY HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO USE A COMPUTER! And now I am using a banana, mom and dad. RIGHT IN YOUR FACES! (first I have to digg up all of the dirt, cuz you're in a grave. (GERMANY))
What I am trying to tell you is that people has NEVER, EVER belived in me. They just saw me as that horny gay guy across the street. AND NOW I AM MORE SUCCESSFULL THEN COUSIN RAMAJHIN (he owns a kiosk)!!
All of the well stuff/shit,
XOXO, Your Beautyqueen, Fuladuschen Rambajan.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I'm in a boat, bitch. With a nun.
I hope that you have had a really good, long time for just YOU and the Nun(s) so you and her can have a speciall NUN FUN together, many prays!
Well actually for a few minutes ago I met the Nun(s)! She had a granma kind-of smile and she SMILED at me! I looked away (GOSH DAMIT, THE WOMAN FLIRTED WITH ME). But when I looked back later she stood right next to me!! Well, somehow now we are best friends (a few minutes later) and now we're here in the Pacific Ocean at a boat.
I guess I like her... she's kind of cute I guess... WELL! Here she is!!! <3

This is she when she smiled at me at the first time I saw her! Isn't she just soo pretty!?
Leave a comment with your opinion!
Luw ya <3
XOXO Your Fuladuschen <3
I hope that you have had a really good, long time for just YOU and the Nun(s) so you and her can have a speciall NUN FUN together, many prays!
Well actually for a few minutes ago I met the Nun(s)! She had a granma kind-of smile and she SMILED at me! I looked away (GOSH DAMIT, THE WOMAN FLIRTED WITH ME). But when I looked back later she stood right next to me!! Well, somehow now we are best friends (a few minutes later) and now we're here in the Pacific Ocean at a boat.
I guess I like her... she's kind of cute I guess... WELL! Here she is!!! <3

This is she when she smiled at me at the first time I saw her! Isn't she just soo pretty!?
Leave a comment with your opinion!
Luw ya <3
XOXO Your Fuladuschen <3

I just wanna tell you that I am bored. And then when I searched for nun fun at google I founded this shit! NOW I'M NOT BORED ANYMORE!!!
Have some fun,
wishes, XOXO, Your nun, The Holy Fuladuschen.
Yuk Chan, Yogesh Nehe, Yokul Sirinan, Ellia English, Liza Saha, Bertil Jonsson and the weirdo at the picture below...

... if you can see your name here (or your face...)you are randomly selected (by Google) and this poster is delecated especually for you! If you are here please leave me a comment, I really love you all!
XOXO, Fuladuschen <3
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Why the duck are you sending me all of this fudgeing shit? I WILL SUE YOUR WIFE! Jim Parson calls him self (by cellphone) GAY!

There is this guy named postmaster@hotmail.com and he is ceeping sending me all of this shit saying words that I do not understand. And he doesn't send it one time, he doesn't send it two times. BUT FOUR TIMES. And when I tell him that I will sue his wife he sends it again! Please, Jim, TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
According to Jim, peoples do not enjoy your shit, Hot Mail! THEY just DON'T. Now, Plese enjoy the pictures. XOXO Fuladuschen
Monday, July 4, 2011
ME AT ALL OF THEESE COOL MAGAZINE. Tyra Banks, good peanuts.

Gosh I'm hot!

My face looks weird at this pic... but the other "friends!" looks fine.

I wasn't allowed to show you this pic cuz... IT'S TO HOT TO BEE SHOWED!!!

I wasn't allowed to show you this pic either...
Well, I'm not gonna say that much. I'm just gonna show you the pitures!
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