1. You think theese fellows are smoking hot (who doesn't really...).
2. Your back is more outgoin then you are.
3. When you walk up stairs you wish there was a elevator with monkeys and very gay song playing in it.
4. Alot of people you liked are dying or already dead. (BUT I WILL NEVER (ever) LOOSE YOU ONCH!!!!)
5. You are wearing a pair of pink socks and a pair of beige ugly sandals you had gotten for AGES ago!!
6. You are only reading this because you want the time to go so you easier and faster can go to the "BINGO" with the ladies, or (OFC) because you're a huge fan of mine and LOVE EVERYTHING I DO!!! <3
7. People you meet you tell about "OLD FUCKING DAYS WHEN I WAS THE HOTTEST!!!". And they run away crying, probably horny, desperete, jealous at you.
8. You're loosing your botox in the face, and you start to look alot like Anna Anka's granny.
9. When people talk to you they talk very loudly, and after a while you have suicidal thoughts and then after thinking about it, you instead kill the person you are speaking to.
10. The last of the signs that you are getting an old ugly bitch involves you talking about the future. If you suddenly starts talking about where you sees yourself in a few years and if he suggests how great it would be to have children with you, you've becommed an old ugly bitch. Listen cearfully to everyting you say and use theese worlds to do a personal evaluation. And if you don't response to this answer you probably are GAY.
And that's all I've got today! Hope you enyoyed. <3
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